
Get ready to discover what really drives your Passion. Led by Passion experts, trainers and coaches.

Get ready to discover what really drives your Passion. Led by Passion experts, trainers and coaches.

The power of The Passion Clarity Bootcamp


Expert Coaches

Be trained by experts in Passion. Led by the Science of Passion and studies that revealed Passions true nature.


Daily Support

During the Bootcamp you will have access to daily live support to deepen your training and experiential learning.


Timeless Knowledge

What you learn in these 7 days will transcend through the journey of your life, both personally and professionally.

It's A Community Favourite

Learn Your Simple Passion Clarity Formula

You have a special and unique combination of areas within that require expression for you to personally experience Passion. This combination creates your personal Passion formula. Most people don't realize that the same things that drive our Passions comes directly from this formula, and it also drives other important aspects of our natures, including our strengths, values and interests. When this combination becomes clear, we become limitless in our ability to influence our internal and external conditions to be the best versions of ourselves. During these 7 days you will explore each area of your personal and unique formula for creating Passion; the things that makes you, you - and more importantly, what DRIVES the things that make you, YOU. You will leave with absolute clarity into the areas within that most people struggle with through life. Armed with this newfound clarity you will learn how to apply what drives your Passion to your real world personal and professional situations by creating your personal Winning Success Formula.

What You Get


4 days of virtual and live individualized guided assessments and introspection that sharpens the view of your internal hidden influences of Passion.


4 days of virtual and live individualized guided reflections and inflection exercises that makes what you learn, practical and implementable. This speaks to your lived experience and unique sets of circumstances. Helping you better see how your Passion personally works for you.


2 days of virtual and live individualized guided pattern exercises that call out your unconscious drivers to the surface. Live one on one session with a Passion Centre trained Passion Clarity Coach to uncover the real elements within you that drive your Passion.

we are The Passion Centre

The Passion Centre is an alternative education company committed to the understanding of Passion and taking that education out in the world to bridge our current passion gap. The 7 Days To Passion Clarity Bootcamp is a process that was validated in the research of over 2000 participants that revealed the true nature of an individual’s Passion, and what really drives it to an accuracy of 99.8%. 

Your Time Commitment

Bootcamp Schedule

Sunday February 12th

Bootcamp Kick Off

Location: Zoom

Monday February 13th

Day 1

Course Lesson 1 & 2

Assessment 1

Note: There is a one time $27 Additional Fee for this assessment. All other assessments are included

Facilitated Introspection 

Location: The Passion (Virtual) Lab

Tuesday February 14th

Day 2

Assessment 2

Facilitated Introspection

Location: The Passion (Virtual) Lab

Wednesday February 15th

Day 3

Assessment 3

Facilitated Introspection

Location: The Passion (Virtual) Lab

Thursday February 16th

Day 4

Assessment 4 

Facilitated Introspection

Location: The Passion (Virtual) Lab

Friday February 17th

Day 5

Assessment 5

Facilitated Prompts

Location: The Passion (Virtual) Lab

Sunday February 19th + Selected Date

Day 6 & 7

Pattern Review + Live 1:1 Call + Course Lesson 3

Guided Passion Drivers Identification Package for Introduction.


Location: Zoom Q&A + 1:1 Call 

Sunday January 26th

Bootcamp Close Off

Location: Zoom Close Off Call

Our method has been tested & Proven

“I've done a lot of personal and professional development over the years, including doing much work to discover my values. After every other experience, I needed to write down my outcomes in order to remember them. But after completing my CORE4 with The Passion Centre, I can just remember them off the top of my head...which makes me believe they are the REAL things that drive me! And this knowledge has made saying Yes to the right opportunities and No to the wrong opportunities (for me), WAY easier. I highly recommend this work to anyone looking for the confidence to give a "Hell Yes" to their life and their career.”
Tracy Borreson
“I was so excited to define my very final Core4. The thing about them that really works for me is that they are all adjectives; and if I add each of them to a noun, I can see how that combination would definitely put me on fire!”
Olga Wendling
“As someone in the middle of a career transition, I have spent so many hours reflecting on what career is the best fit for me and why that is the case. After taking the 7 Days to Passion Clarity Bootcamp, I now know what is driving me and that knowledge is powerful to knowing that I am indeed headed in the right direction. Not only that but the discussion and support from The Passion Centre team provided me with so much insight into myself!”
Lydia Bauer
“Learning my CORE4 with the Passion Centre was a personal retreat for me, forcing me to investigate who I am right now and where I want to be in the future. Understanding my CORE4 has allowed me to chart a course forward toward a more fulfilling future.”
Thomas Semko
“This is an amazing tool and bootcamp for anyone who wants to get to the core of their passion drivers and discover how they can most impactfully use their unique combination of skills, values and passion drivers to integrate their success with the things that also make them feel fully synthesized.”
Lauren Lefkowitz
Being a part of the Passion Centre’s 7 Days To Passion Clarity program brought me me back to me , what makes me tick, who I am at my core. This course came at a time of transition for me: it has helped me recognize and truly appreciate the wonder and magic of ME.
Rosalyn Fast

Our Commitment

The Priceless Guarantee

Our Programs have a 100% success rate. We guarantee that if you complete all the homework assignments and actively participate in the program, you will leave armed with a clear understanding of what drives your Passion (and yourself), that will give you access to increasing levels of Passion in what you do personally or for work. If at the end of the program you feel like you have not gained this outcome, and you have done all the work, we will work with you until you do! Your success is our success. If you give us 100%, we will give you 110% back. That is our commitment to you.

Next Class

February 12th - February 26th 2023

© 2023 All Rights Reserved. The Passion Centre, Inc.