
Using the Science of Passion and the study of human optimization, our Lab and faculty were designed to help professionals, leaders, entrepreneurs and creatives:

Welcome To The Passion Lab!

Discover your Passion and fulfill your life's work with a community of folks doing the same!

Figuring out your Passions (those things that deeply matter to you) and then deciding to follow them is no easy task.

It takes a level of clarity and commitment to yourself that many people won’t understand.

This is why having a community around you is crucial. 

I learned this first hand. 

I started my path to passion over 6 years ago. 

At the time there was no real curriculum, structure, or anything to tell me YES, I was going the right way. Or, NO – stay away.

Everything was done through trial and error.

But… I was in enough pain that I was willing to go on that lonely (and expensive) journey of figuring it all out… myself. 

And I’m so glad I did.


I decided to create FOR OTHERS what I didn't have FOR MYSELF

Enter The Passion Lab!

The Passion Lab is a personal and professional co-learning and co-growing space run by The Passion Centre. I have brought together an intimate group of experts in various domains, from the technical to functional to motivational to fill in the gaps folks will experience on their paths to Passion.

Whether you are just starting that journey for yourself, or you are a seasoned passion centred professional, leader or creative, this community was made for you.

Together we support each other on our career, business, creative projects and personal growth journeys without forgetting about, or denying our Passion Health™.

Our community organizes weekly VIP events that provides participants the best vehicle to access our incredible guest speakers, panel of experts, experienced in their individual academic and/or business fields, as well as those with real lived bonafide levels of wisdom to learn from and grow with.


Who are we?

The Passion Centre has no interest in simply growing our volume of members inside The Passion Lab.

We restrict our resources of coaches, counselors and consultants to a vetted process of qualifying their experience and expertise in their individual domains.

We believe in results over degrees, and yet still, many of our faculty possesses industry recognized professional degrees, PhD’s and are well trained in The Passion Centre’s Passion-Centred™ research backed methodology.

The experience inside the passion lab

“Success is Not Final, Failure is Not Fatal: it is the Courage to Continue that Counts”

-Winston Churchill

The Passion Lab was created from the belief that everyone has a dream in their heart that the world needs. 

Followed by…A responsibility we each have to see our dreams activated in the world as a force for good.

Passion is the output that we experience when this dream is in action.

To the folks in the Lab a ‘Dream’ is about something we each deeply desire to accomplish.

“A cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal.”

The challenge is many folks were never taught to understand their inner nuances that require igniting in order for Passion to be activated – and dreams to be discovered, developed and deployed.

This is where we come in.

The Passion Lab Experience: The Exploration Lab

The Passion Lab is all about getting into the nitty gritty areas of Dream exploration, experimentation, execution, expansion and evolution.

Each person falls into one of these 5 stages on their journeys.

Whether professionally, or personally.

This Lab experience opens our members up to weekly VIP events where we leverage several types of learning environments. This is done to unpack the human heart experience. We delve into the power we all have within to transform our own external worlds, from the inside out.

Leveraging experts in the field of Psychology, Business, Human Behaviour and more, together we bring you a new way to access your guidance within.

The Exploration Lab: Monthly Theme’s and Weekly Schedule Of Events

Each month we dive into specific themes along the 8 Step Path to Passion and the 7 Principles of (Sustainable) Personal and Professional Transformation. 

Week 1 – Passion Exploration & Experimentation: 

We kick start each month with an accountability session. In these sessions we learn about where we each are in our own process of discovery, and explore what needs to happen to move the dial and gain the answers we seek.

Week 2 – Passion Execution: 

The second week of each month is an Educational and Experiential Masterclass. This is where we learn varying principles on how to accelerate our abilities to accomplish and execute on those cherished aspirations we have.

Week 3 – Passion Expansion: 

The third week is a Mastermind. This space encourages each member to come together and apply the principles we learned in the months Masterclass to our own processes and practical real world situations. Here is where we make room and create a safe space to expand our Passions, deepening our commitment and connection to the expression we want to see in the world.

Week 4 – Passion Evolution: 

The last week of every month is a panel conversation. We introduce new ideas through various speakers and workshops to accomplish the goals we set forward each month.

Entering this experience means you have access to countless resources to support you on your own personal or professional journey.  

This community offers a forum where you can mix and mingle with other like minded (and like hearted) members on similar journeys. While tapping into the support networks of our faculty of experts. 

No matter where you are on your own unique Path to Passion – we have a support model for you!


Join The Lab As We Help You...

community founder

Results you will be proud of

what some of kira's clients are saying about their experience working in the passion lab...

Join us and enjoy the experience of working on your Passions in a community of people, just like you, working on theirs!

See you in the Lab!

© The Passion Centre, Inc. 2023. All Rights Reserved.