


Study Summary: Passion Health™ – An investigation into the understanding of what drives healthy Passion

Study Objective: To understand the key drivers of healthy Passion and its role in optimizing the human experience and performance.

Hypothesis: Passion has a set of internal and external drivers that engages the personal experience of Passion, and that all drivers can be identified to predict the Passion Health™ of individuals or groups of people.

Our Mission

To create an assessment based tool that correctly supports the understanding of what drives individual and collective Passion. 

To use the assessment as a tool to help people and companies measure Passion in a reliable and useful way.

Results of Study

Study enlisted 2,174 respondents that completed the final survey. The aggregated scores have a current standard deviation score of 0.2%.

Giving the accuracy in the testing of the 15 Passion Health™ Indicators (PHI) we now have the ability to measure a person’s subjective experience of passion to a 99.8% accuracy. This is ground breaking as this tool will now be able to support closing the Passion gaps we may face in life as individuals or in collective environments like schools workplaces.

Gender, geography, socio-economic background and culture did not appear to significantly influence the results. Study demonstrated that the higher a person’s Passion Health™ score was the better they did academically (performance), the more times they chose to show up (attendance), and reduced bullying and negative behaviours (incidences). 

The lower a person’s Passion Health™ score was, the lower they did academically (performance), the less times they chose to show up (attendance) and had increased bullying and negative behaviours (incidences).

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White Paper

Learn the details of the Passion Health™ Study by getting your copy of the White Paper.

Passion Health™ Employee Survey

The study became the foundation for The Passion Centre’s, Passion Health™ Employee survey. An assessment based tool that helps organizations assess the Passion Health™ of their employees to better understand the exact elements that are either driving or undermining the Passion Health™ of their teams. To learn more about how you can use the survey for your workplace benefit speak with one of our Passion Centre representatives, today!

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