
About Us

A new BIG approach to discovering or optimizing your Passion and sharing it with the world as a force for good

Why Choose Us


Whether using our Passion-Centred™ coaching, counseling or consulting services, we use the 'You' formula for best results.


All of our resources are trained in our Passion-Centred™ learning to give you the best alignment strategy out there


Integrating the structures from our curriculums we the one on one build them into a one on one experiential model for ultimate success


All of our curriculums have been thoroughly tested in the marketplace ensuring you get a world class experience with our model

Your Proposed Service

Step 1: Pay For Your Enrollment & Package Here

Phase 1: UnBlocked full payment (includes all applicable taxes)

Step 2: Review Sign Your UnBlocked Client Agreement

Review and sign the UnBlocked Client Agreement And Send To kira.day@thepassioncentre.com

Step 3: UnBlocked Syllabus

Learn more about the UnBlocked program

Step 4: UnBlocked Class Schedule

Register for your UnBlocked Class Schedule here
(Refer to client agreement for date details)

Our Services

All of The Passion Centre's services are facilitated by trained coaches, counselors and consultants leveraging our one of a kind Passion-Based™ methodology


We have several different types of coaching packages based on where you are on your own unique Passion journey to accommodate the different needs at the various stages


In each of our in class programs you will have our trained instructors moving you through the various content, providing live experiential learning, and supporting you to dive deeper than you could go alone


When there are blocks in your emotional or psychological systems it can often require a deeper layer than coaching. So we have teamed up with counselors that have been trained in our methodology to take you deeper and clear those blocks so you can powerfully move forward.


In the execution stages of our Passion-Based incubator programming we team up with various diverse types of consultants trained in our methodology to support the building of the best foundations for your passion-based business or venture.

The Team

Our team is here to support you through the various stages of Passion identification, unblocking any emotional or mental barriers, increasing self awareness, creating a business or professional path that is most aligned to you and your Passions!

Kira Day

Founder and Lead Coach

Hal Eisenberg

Liscenced Counselor

Lauren Leftkowitz

Executive Coach

Beth Marhefka

Executive Coach

Tracy Borreson

Personal Branding Consultant

Turning Passion Into Action Changes The World

Everyone has a dream in their heart that the world needs. By delaying your dream, someone somewhere doesn’t get served by you and your Passion. This is why we have made it our central mission to be a gateway for you to unleash your Passion to the world. Together we really can make the world a better place.

© 2023, The Passion Centre, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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